COVID-19 – Building & Construction Industry Update 2021

January 15, 2021

Update on Face Masks


Face masks will no longer be required to be worn on construction sites, however – our Industry COVID-19 Guidelines still require workers to carry face masks at all times and wear them in hoists/lifts and where physical distancing of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained.

*This updates and overrides earlier advice that face masks must be worn
indoors on building and construction sites and in offices, crib rooms and amenities.

The total number of workers permitted on site at any one time is subject to a density quotient of one person per two square metres in common areas – this includes offices, crib rooms and amenities.

Locations where face masks are still mandatory in the state of VICTORIA include:

On public transport
Riding in a taxi/ride share
Shopping centres and indoor markets
Large retail stores
Domestic flights and airports

We are committed to continue leading workers safely through the COVID-19 pandemic. Our priority has always been to protect the safety and livelihoods of our members, their families, and the broader community.

Please remember the COVID-safe practices we have put in place.

The work you are doing is vital. Be proud to be union and proud to lead the recovery of our economy.