Industry & Vaccination Update

November 16, 2021

Updates on vaccinations in our industry and DHS advice

There continues to be a slow down in positive cases in our industry, which of course is because of the rates of a vaccinated workforce. 
As of 12th November: 
  • 92.6% First Vax
  • 86.6% Second Vax
The Health Department has also clarified Density Quotients for Crib Rooms

 Quote from Health Department: 

“Thank you for your patience as we investigated this issue. We have consulted the
Directions and can confirm that non-publicly accessible space is currently subject to a
density quotient of one person per two square metres (DQ2). However, if the space is
publicly accessible or a shared space , a density quotient of one person per four square
metre applies.
We agree that construction sites are generally non-publicly accessible spaces and a DQ2
applies. However, the policy position is that crib rooms are considered shared spaces and
a density quotient of one person per four square metres applies in that space.”