Premier Daniel Andrews Confirms Construction is an Essential Industry

April 6, 2020

“You can still be in the construction sector and observe some of the social distancing practices. It’s safe, that’s the medical advice.”

“Beyond that, if you were to shut down some of these jobs, public and private, it’s not just flicking a switch. You’ve got to decommission equipment, you’ve got to do all sorts of things. So it becomes often very difficult to restart those jobs.”

“But ultimately it’s safety that’s driving it.”

“You can operate construction sites, albeit they’re all different. You can have that sector functioning and observe social distancing, increased hygiene. That’s the medical advice.”

“If the advice changed, then the status of that sector would change.”

“We can expect plenty of new projects to come on once we get through this crisis.”

“So give each other space. Wash your hands. Stay home if sick. And let’s keep each other in work and out of trouble.”

*The discussion on construction begins at the 9 minute mark


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